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UpComing Events

Vietnam, Hanoi, March 26, 2016 Mind Hacking Show 

With a load of humor and inspiration we will talk about some fascinating topics:


  • How to learn ALL the important dates in history... in one hour ( I know you don't believe me right now, but I'll prove it to you)

  • How Polyglots (People who speak many languages) learn quickly a new language... (There's a very inspiring fact that makes language learning achievable... I'll tell you when we meet...)

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Event 1
Israel2, Jerusalem, 02.02.2016 Mind Hacking Show 

With a load of humor and inspiration we will talk about some fascinating topics:


  • How to learn ALL the important dates in history... in one hour ( I know you don't believe me right now, but I'll prove it to you)

  • How Polyglots (People who speak many languages) learn quickly a new language... (There's a very inspiring fact that makes language learning achievable... I'll tell you when we meet... ©)

Event 2
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Israel3, Jerusalem, 02.02.2016 Mind Hacking Show 

With a load of humor and inspiration we will talk about some fascinating topics:


  • How to learn ALL the important dates in history... in one hour ( I know you don't believe me right now, but I'll prove it to you)

  • How Polyglots (People who speak many languages) learn quickly a new language... (There's a very inspiring fact that makes language learning achievable... I'll tell you when we meet... ©)

Event 3
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